Everyone always tells me I'm not fat, I'm "normal." Well, when the average woman in America is 5'4 and weights 165 lbs, normal isn't so great.
I recently discovered that not only had I been gaining weight consistently, but if I gained 6 more pounds I would be overweight. This was unacceptable, and I have decided it's time for a change. The task: get healthy, get fit and get slim.
While I had about a year in college when I was heavy, I have been pretty slim or normal most of my life. Granted, when I was thinner I didn't eat, like ever. I lost weight in college by eating less and sleeping a lot during a semester where I had no part-time job. Then I moved to NYC after graduation. The pounds packed on.
I thought since I was walking everywhere I would lose weight: boy was I wrong. All the takeout, the cocktails, the meeting people for dinner: it packed on the pounds. At only 5'3, I went from a healthy 114 to a nasty 135 in half a year.
When I started working as an editorial intern at Shape magazine this summer, I knew it was time to change. I spent all day reading about diets and health food and have decided that it's time I started to feel better, fitter and healthier.
There will be no (or less) junk. I want to eat mostly vegetables and fruits and whole grains. I plan to throw some chicken and fish into my diet. I plan to exercise more and go to the gym at least 3 times a week to get fitter and stronger. I hope to get back to my goal weight...which will be somewhere between 108 and 112 lbs. I want to look good in a bathing suit next summer. Don't you?
Follow me on my journey (and start one of your own)...it's going to be a tough one.
(Photos: yell.com, deviantart.com, title image: Heidi Barbara)
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