Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mmmmm Chocolatey Goodness

I haven't written in a while since I've been kind of busy. Let's just say that the stress that's been keeping me from writing in here has also taken its toll on my diet. Bad times.
But we are now sticking to healthy foods, no more binges on McDonald's McChickens after a long, boring and stressful day at work. No more late night grilled cheese or mozzarella sticks. If I do go to the diner at 5 a.m. and am starving, it's egg white omelets or perhaps some fruit haha.

We shall see how it goes. So far the adventures in dieting have been more like Flo's failed attempts at dieting...but when one thing doesn't work, I try something else.

My mother was interested in chocolate and I was totally craving some at work today. Dark chocolate is the best.

Try and fit about 100 calories or about 2 pieces or so of a regular chocolate bar into your diet every day. Make sure the chocolate is the darkest you can get- the more cocoa the better- I love the Endangered Species organic dark chocolate. Some of the proceeds from all their chocolate goes to help endangered species and their habitats, and it's ethically traded.

Chocolate is good for your skin: the flavanoids (polyphenols found in chocolate and red wine, tea, cranberries and some other fruits) absorb UV light to help protect your skin. They also increase blood flow, improving skin's appearance.

The antioxidants also help prevent heart disease and high cholesterol and blood pressure.

Since chocolate is high in calories, make sure you limit it to a piece or two a day. The higher the cocoa percentage, the better, but also the more bitter it tastes. This will satisfy your chocolate cravings better though, so you need less to feel satisfied by the richness.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You Go Girl!

Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women

Not a diet thing, but hey, these gals are amazing! Loved reading this, and Angela Merkel (German Chancellor) is #1...again...ya! Schon wieder!

More diet tips after this week...too much stress.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Glycemic Index

My brother sent me a site today about the Gylcemic Index- which is basically a scale to measure how fast carbohydrate foods break down and their effect on blood glucose. Here is a chart:

Essentially: the longer a food takes the breakdown, the slower the glucose enters the bloodstream, and the longer we feel satiated. Low GI foods also help with weight loss since they keep your insulin levels stable, and so the body doesn't promote fat storage. Here is a list showing some of the foods and their GI score.

You can read more about the Glycemic Index and what foods to eat here.

If I were to recommend a diet, I would recommend the Mediterranean diet. According to the Mayo Clinic, it is based on eating foods from plant sources: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You should be basing your meals around fruits or vegetables, while trying to include a whole grain at every meal.

*Note: check food labels on grains. Only 100% is really 100%. Whole wheat means nothing, unless the first ingredient listed is whole grain or wheat. Wheat flour means white flour. The first three ingredient constitute most of the product, so make sure wheat, white, or enriched flour is not listed there. (Real whole grains can be hard to find: Trader Joe's carries a great organic whole grain bread you can try until you find other brands.)

There is also a focus on healthy fats. Nuts are eaten in small amounts. Olive oil (use extra-virgin, it comes from the first pressing of the olives) is consumed in small amounts daily. Fish is consumed at least twice a week. There can also be consumption of poultry, but red meat should be eaten sparingly, perhaps once or twice a month. Instead of salt, use herbs and spices to flavor your food (I love Mrs. Dash!). The best part: you can drink red wine every day and get great heart-healthy antioxidants! Of course you only get the health benefits from a small amount: 5 oz or less a day for women. And of sure to exercise! (this can even just be walking more, playing with the dog, or finding a physical activity like tennis or biking that interests you- make working out fun!)

Even if you don't follow this diet perfectly, try following it for the most part and it will keep you slim and much healthier. Just try to make most of the foods you eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains, with healthy fats from nuts and fish thrown in.

Check out some great Mediterranean Diet Recipes here!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eat Less, Exercise Less, Lose More?

This article from Time today talked about how exercise can actually lead to weight gain.

There may be some truth to this. While it's good for your heart, and to fight disease, exercise also increases your energy expenditure- which causes you to eat more. It's more important that we move during the day in general: take stairs, park in the furthest parking spot, walk when you can. Also we need to watch waht we eat. Calorie consumption is important when trying to lose weight- so avoid the muffins and the cookies and the cakes. It can add up fast. Stick with veggies, fruit, fish, poultry, whole grains and low fat dairy.

What do you think? Is exercise that important for weight gain, especially streuous exercise that isn't really fun for anyone? Perhaps just some weight training and yoga in addition to walking with friends or the dog, going for social bike rides, window shopping at the mall for a few hours, or playing with kids would be better for all of us. So get up, get moving, and just avoid the junk food :)


Friday, August 7, 2009

Drinky Drink?

My mom and I were sitting outside on my porch last night at home in Jersey. My sister sent me the most random text about how she was out with coworkers in CT and needed to know what drinks were low-cal. I advised vodka sodas, light beer, or any hard liquor/diet soda mix...aka rum and diet coke.

This got me to thinking. All the diet books always advise cutting alcohol as one of the first things to do. But let's face it, we are young and cutting alcohol may not be something we want to do, at least not in today's society. Sure, you could have club soda and lime and pretend it's a drink...but when everyone is drunk (those of you 21 to 27 understand) it's just not fun to not be at least a little buzzed.

On top of that: who doesn't like to have a glass of wine at dinner. Or hang with friends over fresh guacamole and amazing margaritas. Or grab sangria with a date on a warm summer night (plus a alcohol always helps a first date go more smoothly). Face it: at our young age, most people just don't want to give it.

Here's the deal on the booze: alcohol is toxic to the body, so in it's infinite wisdom, the body decides to get rid of it as fast as possible. This means it "burns" calories from alcohol first. So, if you eat and drink wine, your body will burn the wine calories first and store the food calories as fat. Sound bad, right?

To fix: Some nutritionists will advise you drink and eat together to savor flavor: I advise against. A glass of wine itself could be like a dessert, so why not split half between the meal and then after to keep you from noshing on dessert.
Better yet: if you're going out- eat at a regular time. Sure, you may head out at 11pm or later, but eat at 6 or 7pm. That way your body will be able to get rid of some of these calories before you start ingesting the booze. Then, when you go out to drink, as Lady Gaga would say: just dance. It'll burn the calories you are ingesting via booze, and if you do it for hours, perhaps even then some.

If you're choosing drinks avoid anything sweet, read: margaritas, sangria, bay breeze, etc. Fruity drinks pack in the calories like crazy due to the mixes (this includes sour mix).
Wine is ok in moderation, a glass a day is good (red more so than white) as it delivers important antioxidant for heart health. Stay away from regular beer: calorie bomb, stick to light versions. My favorite this summer is Bud Light Lime (tastes like a German radler, so yummy!)

Low cal cocktails to try:

Vodka Soda (my drink of choice)
~Depending on the amount of vodka in it, this can have anywhere from 65-240 calories per drink (most likely around 130) as the vodka has 64 cals per ounce, and the club soda is calorie free. this is a good option for vodka tonic drinkers, as tonic has 124 calories per 12 oz, making a drink around 300 calories (also works with gin)~

Hard Liquor with Diet Soda
~(rum and diet coke, vodka and diet sprite, whiskey and diet coke etc) These have the same cals as Vodka Sodas, enjoy.~

~Obviously you can take favorite are tequila, mmmmm)~

Margarita (kinda)
~Skinny Girl Margarita: 2 oz clear premium tequila (or normal clear tequila, we're in a recession here), splash of orange liquer, juice of 4 lime wedges (about 1/2 lime), mix over ice. 245 calories per serving, way better than a 400 calorie+ regular margarita~

Juice-Mixed Drinks
~If you don't like club soda or diet sodas go with a healthy mixer: OJ has lots of vitamin C, cranberry juice helps keep your urinary tract clean, tomato juice has antioxidants (bloody mary's are a great brunch choice)~

So go get your drink on this weekend, but remember to go for the low cal drinks so they don't ruin your whole diet. Oh, and obviously stick to a low 3. Enjoy, and please share any low cal drink recipes you have!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Break An Egg

I'm not a very good cook...yet...but I tried making an omelet for the first time ever and it worked!

It was so big and so scrumptious: I was very proud.
I don't like the idea of an egg white omelet- it looks weird, no yellow. So I make mine with one egg and two or three egg whites. That way you get one yolk in there to give it extra color and flavor. Also when I whisk them together I add some Mrs. Dash for flavor without sodium that reaches through the whole omelet.

I used whatever I had around: onion, turkey and feta. I cant wait to try new combinations: spinach, goat cheese tomato, or mushroom, tomato, onion, peppers, gouda. Fun new combos- we shall see. But hey- they are filling and healthy- lots of protein. Add in lots of vegetables and a little cheese and you've got a great meal (even for dinner!)

Got any combo ideas- let me know!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Dress Well, Feel Even Better

We had a beauty sale at work on Friday and the fashion girls brought up two bins of sports clothes. I ended up with some great pants and colorful sports bras. Wearing fun things to workout is so much better than throwing on baggy shorts and an old t-shirt. I just think that if I look cute, not only will I be happier, but it will make going to the gym seem less dull.

Getting cute gym clothes definitely will force you to go, because hey, you'll want to wear those cute new shorts! Also invest in good sneakers that fit well, a water bottle to save money (you can fill it at the water fountain at your gym) and an MP3 player of at least headphones for the cardio equipment jacks. When I'm watching Friends, I hardly notice the half hour on the elliptical.

Here are some of my favorite pieces:

Look cute and stylish in a workout tank with an empire waist that flows away from the body, hiding any imperfections (until they are worked off).

Champion Powerlite Seamless Empire Tank

Look cute and slim in these adorable low-rise capris.

Margarita Capris

Carry your gear in style (not in a plastic grocery store bag).

Puma Remix Grip Bag